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Hal-hal yang Harus Jadi Pertimbangan Saat Menggunakan WiFi Umum

Anggerhana Denni Rahmawati - Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018 | 11:52
NEW YORK, NY - JULY 11: A free Wi-Fi hotspot beams broadband internet from atop a public phone booth on July 11, 2012 in Manhattan, New York City. New York City launched a pilot program Wednesday to provide free public Wi-Fi at public phone booths around the five boroughs. The first ten booths were lit up with Wi-Fi routers attached to the top of existing phone booths, with six booths in Manhattan, two in Brooklyn, and one in Queens. Additional locations, including ones in the Bronx and Staten Island, are to be added soon. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
Getty Images North America

NEW YORK, NY - JULY 11: A free Wi-Fi hotspot beams broadband internet from atop a public phone booth on July 11, 2012 in Manhattan, New York City. New York City launched a pilot program Wednesday to provide free public Wi-Fi at public phone booths around the five boroughs. The first ten booths were lit up with Wi-Fi routers attached to the top of existing phone booths, with six booths in Manhattan, two in Brooklyn, and one in Queens. Additional locations, including ones in the Bronx and Staten Island, are to be added soon. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

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2. Hindari Akses Informasi Sensitif

Misalnya saja hindari mengakses email, layanan perbankan, akun kartu kredit dan lain-lain.

Sebab, seperti yang diketahui WiFi umum rentan terhadap cyber crime.

3. Hanya gunakan layanan dengan pengamanan HTTPS

HTTPS berguna untuk mengamankan transaksi data antara PC pengguna dengan layanan online dengan enkripsi sehingga tak mudah diendus oleh hacker.

(Cara Mudah Buat Hape Jadul Punya Layar Fullview, Screenshot Jadi Keren)

4. Gunakan VPN

Virtual Private Network alias VPN menyamarkan identitas pengguna dengan enkripsi data dan mengalihkan transaksi data ke server yang diamankan.

Di samping itu, VPN juga memiliki beberapa keuntungan tambahan yakni dapat menyediakan layanan akses pada berbagai sumber yang disensor di dalam maupun luar negeri (jika kamu membutuhkannya).

5. Log out dan Forget

Jika sudah selesai menggunakan WiFi umum, jangan lupa buat log out dari semua akun kamu.

Editor : Nextren

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